Print a Copy of 5th Grade Gomath Chapter 3 Review Test

Information technology's been a minute (or a few decades) since y'all've built a papier-mâché volcano or looked at microscope slides, but in award of back-to-school flavor information technology'due south officially fourth dimension to get back into the learning spirit. We're revisiting our student days with a series of class school quizzes, and next up on the list is — drum gyre delight — science.

Think you remember everything from those solar system and biological science lessons? Answer the questions below to see how you'd fare against 10- and 11-twelvemonth-olds. And don't forget to try your hand at this eighth class spelling examination — it's harder than you think!

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Planet earth at night

Nastco Getty Images


The order of the planets from the sun is: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.

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Common frog (Rana temporaria) and the mushroom

MirekKijewski Getty Images

Respond: fungi

The v kingdoms of life are: monera (prokaryote), protista (eukaryote), fungi, plantae, and animalia.

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Close up of the top of a mountain of metamorphic rock over 3000 meters

Jose A. Bernat Bacete Getty Images

Respond: from other rocks

While magma or lava solidifies into igneous rocks, metamorphic rocks come from preexisting rocks transformed past heat, pressure level, or chemically reactive waters.

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Earth Section

fpm Getty Images

ANSWER: upper pall

The bones layers of the Globe are: the crust, upper mantle, lower drapery, outer core, and inner core.

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Beautiful, sea landscape

NoSystem images Getty Images

Respond: 21%

Most 78% of the atmosphere is nitrogen. There are also pocket-size amounts of argon, carbon dioxide, other gases, and h2o vapor.

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Angel Oak Tree

Michael Ver Sprill Getty Images

ANSWER: deciduous

Deciduous copse (like oaks) drop their leaves in the fall, a process chosen abscission. Coniferous trees keep their foliage and include pines, cypresses, firs, redwoods, spruces, and cedars.

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Aerial view of woman on paddleboard

cdwheatley Getty Images

ANSWER: the weathering of continents

The erosion from rainfall causes ions like sodium and chloride (which together make salt) to menses into the oceans, where they accrue.

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Hibernation. Frozen Frog in its Winter habitat

aetb Getty Images

ANSWER: hibernate

Estivation is when animals go fallow in response to loftier temperatures and dry atmospheric condition, often in the summer. Hibernation occurs by and large in the winter months.

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Crushed Ice

DNY59 Getty Images

Answer: explosion

Physical changes — like evaporation — don't change what a substance is; they tin can also exist reversed. In a chemic change, a new substance is formed and energy is either given off or absorbed.

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roads cracked

maconline99 Getty Images

ANSWER: seismograph

A barometer measures air pressure, but seismographs tin record move of the ground.

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