Milk Pulverization

S.D. Kalyankar , ... S.S. Deosarkar , in Encyclopedia of Food and Health, 2016


Milk powder (MP) is a suitable solution to those who lack immediate access to adequate refrigeration methods and dairy products. It is obtained by removal of h2o out of milk. The main purpose of industry of milk powder is to convert the liquid perishable raw material to a product that can be stored without substantial loss of quality owing to a depression h2o action that hampers microbial metabolism, preferably for some years. It has various applications in confectionaries, bakeries, baby formulas, nutritional foods, etc. MP is obtained mainly by spray-drying and roller-drying methods.

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POWDERED MILK | Characteristics of Milk Powders

G.A. Augustin , ... H. Craven , in Encyclopedia of Nutrient Sciences and Nutrition (2d Edition), 2003


Milk powders are used past consumers equally a substitute for fresh milk and as ingredients for the manufacture of a range of processed food products. In order to be acceptable to consumers and users of ingredients, it is essential that milk powders are of a expert quality. Milk powders are manufactured to encounter certain specifications and standards for limerick. These take been developed for milk powders by authorities such as the American Dairy Products Establish, the International Dairy Federation, the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations and national food authorities in individual countries. In add-on, a range of other technical specifications have been adult for the characterization of milk powders to ensure that they accept the required functional performance in specific target applications. Milk powders may be similar in composition only have different functional backdrop.

In that location are many types of milk powders in the marketplace identify. This article focuses on the characteristics of skim and full-foam milk powders, which are the major types of milk powders produced. The microbiological quality, physical and chemical attributes of these milk powders, and their functional backdrop are discussed. Aspects of deteriorative changes that may occur in milk powders during transport and distribution that take an impact on the sensory backdrop of powders and their performance equally food ingredients are included. The production, composition, and applications of various types of milk powders take been discussed elsewhere. (See Powdered Milk | Milk Powders in the Marketplace.)

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POWDERED MILK | Milk Powders in the Marketplace

M.A. Augustin , C.50. Margetts , in Encyclopedia of Food Sciences and Nutrition (Second Edition), 2003

Applications of Skim, Total-foam Milk, and Buttermilk Powders

Milk powders are used in many applications. Instant milk powders, which dissolve readily in water, are used by consumers every bit a substitute for fresh milk and in beverage mixes. Also bachelor in the market place are a range of nutritionally enriched milk pulverisation products that have been tailored to meet the needs of consumers at various stages of life. These include powders fortified with various nutrients. Most common in the market are milk powders enriched with calcium, fe, and folate.

Milk powders take major applications as ingredients in manufactured dairy and candy nutrient products. A pregnant corporeality of milk powder is used in the industry of traditional recombined dairy products such equally evaporated milk, sweetened condensed milk, and UHT milk in countries which practice not have an adequate supply of fresh milk. Milk powders are also used every bit ingredients in a range of food products, including icecream, cultured milks and yogurts, chocolate, confectionery, bakery products, soups, and sauces. Buttermilk powders are used as replacers for skim-milk powder in applications where enhanced dairy flavors are desired. Table iv gives the proportion of skim-milk powders used in various applications. Their ability to demark h2o, thicken and gel, and their emulsifying and foaming properties make milk powders valuable food ingredients. These properties of milk powders can be modulated by the amount of heat treatment received by the powder during manufacture. The characteristics of milk powders that make them useful in food applications are discussed in more detail elsewhere. (See POWDERED MILK | Characteristics of Milk Powders.)

Tabular array 4. Globe apply of skim-milk powder in products

Product % Used
Condensed milk 30%
Ultrahigh-temperature (UHT) fluid 26%
Icecream eighteen%
Cultured products and yogurts ix%
Baker v%
Cheese 4%
Other products 3%

Based on figures from Dairy Foods Jan 1999, 100(1): xv.

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Caramels, fondants and jellies every bit centres and fillings

W.P. (Bill) Edwards , in Science and Engineering of Enrobed and Filled Chocolate, Confectionery and Baker Products, 2009

Milk powder

Milk pulverisation is the cheapest source of milk solids for manufacturers. Both full cream and skimmed milk powder are used. Skimmed milk powder has two advantages in that not just does it allow the use of vegetable fat instead of milk fat but it also keeps better. A long shelf life is of import in places where manufacturing milk is merely available in the summer or where milk is not produced.

Almost all milk powder is now spray stale rather than roller dried. The spray drying process usually applies less rut than the old roller drying process. Low heat treatment makes the powder easier to reconstitute and improves the biological availability of the protein. Unfortunately low rut handling and bulk cold storage of liquid milk leads to products containing heat-resistant lipases. Organisms that can alive in milk at low temperature produce these lipases.

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Oxidation and protection of milk and dairy products

Southward.Eastward. Duncan , J.B. Webster , in Oxidation in Foods and Beverages and Antioxidant Applications: Management in Different Manufacture Sectors, 2010

4.five.2 Stale milk powder products

Stale milk pulverization products are oftentimes incorporated as ingredients into formulated beverages and food products. Dry out buttermilk powder, with a milkfat content of at least iv.5%, is a rich source of phospholipids and mono-and polyunsaturated fatty acids that are highly susceptible to oxidation. Loftier quality milk powders take clean, sweet and pleasant odor and flavor but oxidized products take an odour characterized as wet cardboard or oxidized oils. Extremely oxidized powders smell similar aged beef tallow and are descibed as 'tallowy' or 'painty' and are unpalatable ( Rankin, 2009). Packaging materials that protect the product against ultraviolet and visible wavelengths, command headspace oxygen and provide an indirect source of volatile antioxidants can help protect dry milk product quality (Rankin, 2009; van Aardt et al., 2007). Storage and processing temperatures, product acerbity, metal salts, and h2o activity influence the development and rate of oxidation of milk powders. Sour whey powders demonstrated an antioxidative power at low pH, better than all unremarkably used antioxidants, in a peanut oil emulsion containing lipid oxidation catalysts, identifying a potential ingredient application (Shon and Haque, 2007).

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B.T. O'Kennedy , in Handbook of Nutrient Proteins, 2011

2.4.7 Baker

SMP and whole milk powder are often used in bakery products simply rarely are the high casein-based powders utilised. Electric current research aims to completely substitute gluten with a functional high casein-based ingredient (Stathopoulos and O'Kennedy, 2008). The principle backside this approach is that by increasing the calcium concentration to an optimum level in the casein/caseinate ingredient it will exist possible, under the correct pH and ionic strength atmospheric condition, to supplant the highly functional (covalent) Due south-S bonds in a gluten-based dough with calcium-induced casein-casein complexes.

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Pathogens in Milk | Salmonella spp.

C. Poppe , in Encyclopedia of Dairy Sciences (2d Edition), 2011

Dried Milk Products

Dried milk products are occasionally contaminated with Salmonella. In an outbreak of salmonellosis in infants in the United Kingdom, all infected infants had been fed a reconstituted stale milk product from one manufacturer. Salmonella Ealing was isolated from 4 of 267 sealed packets that were examined. Other outbreaks of salmonellosis due to Due south. Tennessee or S. Anatum have occurred in infants after consumption of powdered milk products and infant formula in England, Wales, Kingdom of belgium, France, Canada, and the United States.

The prevalence of Salmonella serovars in dairy products is undoubtedly influenced past, simply does not appear to entirely coincide with, the prevalence of Salmonella serovars causing infection or shedding in dairy cattle. The reason the ii parameters are non in complete congruence with i some other may lie in the fact that dairy products are commonly produced on a very large calibration and contamination with a less common serovar may issue in widespread outbreaks of salmonellosis. Likewise, the Salmonella serovar isolated from the milk or candy dairy production is whatever serovar happens to be present or has survived in the product when samples are taken for assay, whereas differences amidst serovars in geographic distribution, host specificity, virulence, and infectious dose influence whether infection and shedding in cattle occur.

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Biofilms in dairy processing

P. Bremer , ... J. Palmer , in Biofilms in the Food and Potable Industries, 2009

15.7.4 Milk powder

Milk powder production involves the removal of water from milk solids. The terminal product is easily transportable, pocket-size in volume and has a significantly longer shelf-life than pasteurised liquid milk. The removal of h2o is achieved via three steps: milk treatment, evaporation and spray drying. During milk powder manufacture, oestrus exchangers, regeneration and evaporator sections of a constitute typically operate at between 45°C to 75°C, which is a range suitable for the growth of thermophiles. The milk is full-bodied approximately 10-fold to form a powder, thus if no growth occurred during the manufacturing process, the number of thermophiles in the milk pulverization should not exceed 100   CFU ml−1 as the number of thermophiles in raw milk rarely exceed 10   CFU ml−1. Withal, when evaporator run times exceed 16–20   hours, high numbers of thermophiles are commonly found in the last product (up to 10five CFU g−1) (Stadhouders, 1982, Murphy et al., 1999). The residence time of the milk from storage tank to powder does non unremarkably exceed twenty–30   minutes, so in that location is obviously insufficient time for thermophilic growth in the majority milk during processing, even with their brusque generation time of approximately 15–20   minutes (Scott et al., 2007). Consequently, the high levels of contamination found in milk powder after 16–20   hour run times are about probably due to biofilm growth and the detachment of cells and spores from the large stainless steel surface areas establish within a milk pulverisation plant (Hinton et al., 2002). Initial contamination of the powder plant probably occurs from the low number of thermophiles, predominately in spore form, in the raw milk (McGuiggan et al., 2002). Spores and cells then adhere to the stainless steel and foulant (Flint et al., 2001, Parkar et al., 2001). If conditions are favourable, spores germinate while vegetative cells divide and secrete polymers to colonise the surface and thereby initiating a biofilm. Thermophilic biofilms are typically constitute in the plate heat exchanger and evaporator sections of the institute (Scott et al., 2007, Murphy et al., 1999). Contamination of the milk subsequently occurs from spores and cells sloughing off from the biofilms. It remains unclear at what stage during biofilm development and growth that spores are formed. Scott et al. observed spore formation later on 9   hours into an 18-hour production (Scott et al., 2007). Others have observed spore formation in the basal layers in surface-air colonies of B. subtilis (Vlamakis et al., 2008), and liquid-air biofilms of B. cereus (Wijman et al., 2007); however, this may not be the instance of surface–liquid biofilms under turbulent catamenia in a dairy environment.

At the cease of a milk powder run, the majority of the cells within the thermophilic biofilm will be removed or killed past the cleaning authorities (Parkar et al., 2004); withal, fouling layers may protect spores and vegetative cells (Hinton et al., 2002) resulting in potential contamination of the next production run. Thermophilic bacilli are difficult to completely eliminate from processing constitute surfaces due to their fast growth rate, ability to produce resistant spores, their broad temperature growth range and their ability to form biofilms (Parkar et al., 2003, Flintstone et al., 2001, Loma and Smythe, 1994). Furthermore, spores are able to survive in milk powder products for longer periods of fourth dimension compared to vegetative cells ( Reddy et al., 1975). The spores are a particular concern to milk powder manufacturers as they are resistant to heat treatment, drying and cleaning chemicals.

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Dairy products and milk-based food ingredients

R. Early , in Natural Food Additives, Ingredients and Flavourings, 2012

17.4.1 Milk powders

Whole and skimmed milk powder

Whole milk pulverisation (WMP) and skimmed milk powder (SMP) are used every bit industrial ingredients and every bit sources of milk solids for reconstituting as drinking milk in regions where the local milk supply is inadequate. In 2007 (FAO 2009) globe product of WMP was thirty.8 million tonnes while SMP production was 24.1 one thousand thousand tonnes (both every bit milk equivalent). The fat content of WMP is usually 26–28.five%. The American Stale Products Plant (ADPI) (2002) states that the fat content must exist 26–40% and the moisture five% or less, also that the fat content of SMP should be less than 1.five% and wet 5% or less.

WMP and SMP are used in the manufacture of many food products where they give feature dairy flavours and whitening power. The milk proteins contribute to the emulsification of fats and h2o bounden. Both ingredients are used in, for example, milk chocolate, carbohydrate confectionery ( thousand. toffee and fudge), soups, sauces, drinkable whiteners for tea and coffee, broiled goods where the evolution of Maillard browning contributes broiled colour, and recombined sweetened condensed milk.

SMP is fabricated with unlike heat classifications, the result of carefully controlled pre-heat treatment of skimmed milk prior to drying. The pre-heat treatment of skimmed milk at specific temperatures and times will induce whey protein gelation, too as interactions between whey proteins and between whey proteins and casein. The nature and degree of the interactions depends on the estrus treatment weather condition.ADPI (2002) gives iii rut treatment classifications: low heat, medium heat and high estrus. These chronicle to levels of undenatured whey poly peptide in the different grades of powder (Table 17.8). Depression heat SMP is used every bit an ingredient in chocolate, carbohydrate confectionery and milk based beverages. It is as well used as an ingredient in the product of cheese starter culture media, as the absence of whey protein denaturation and casein interactions allows the casein to precipitate fully during acidification. Medium estrus and high heat SMP are used equally ingredients in ice cream, soups and sauces (wet and dry mix), confectionery and meat products.

Tabular array 17.8. Oestrus handling nomenclature for SMP

Classification Skimmed milk oestrus treatment Undenatured whey protein nitrogen (mg/g pulverisation)
Low oestrus Cumulative heat treatment non over 71.1   °C for 2 minutes Over six.0
Medium estrus Preheat to 71.1–79.4   °C for 20 minutes 1.51–5.99
High heat Preheat to 87.8   °C for 30 minutes Under 1.5

Source: Adapted from ADPI (2002).

An additional category of SMP, known every bit High Heat Estrus-Stable (HHHS) SMP, tin be made by pre-heating skimmed milk in excess of 95   °C for 15–thirty seconds to maximise whey poly peptide–casein interactions. This powdered ingredient is used particularly in the manufacture of recombined milks that are UHT processed. The heat-stable SMP is reconstituted in water with butteroil to produce a 'double strength' milk, i.east. a milk with twice the NFMS and fatty content equally fresh milk, which is UHT candy and aseptically packaged. Consumers tin can mix the double force milk 1:1 with water to give a liquid milk of standard limerick. By inducing whey protein–casein interactions in skimmed milk, the whey proteins are protected from gelation during UHT processing and the occurrence of product defects (east.g. poly peptide flocs) and increased recombined milk viscosity.

WMP and SMP are the products of spray-drying processes, although roller (or drum) drying is nonetheless relevant. Spray drying allows the creation of pulverisation properties of utilise to nutrient manufacturers, such as common cold h2o dispersable powders (Palzer and Fowler 2010). The production of milk powders is essentially a 2-pace process:


Removal of most of the h2o from the material to be dried, usually by multiple consequence vacuum evaporator (Fig. 17.1)

Fig. 17.i. Multiple-effect evaporator with combined mechanical and thermal vapour recompression; MVR-Mechanical Vapour Recompression

(Courtesy of GEA Niro).

Spray drying.

In the production of SMP, skimmed milk at eight.vii% solids is pasteurised and evaporated to a concentrate of 45–l% solids and around 90% of the h2o is removed. The concentrate is atomised (usually by means of a rotary atomiser or loftier pressure nozzle) into a drying bedroom (Fig. 17.ii) fed with air at 180–250   °C. The fine droplets, or primary particles, fall through the hot air and evaporation occurs at the surface forming powder particles. These fall to the bottom of the chamber to be removed for further processing and/or cooling before packaging. Moisture laden air is ducted to the temper through cyclones which split up entrained powder. Milk powder production is discussed by Tamime (2009) and Early (1998).

Fig. 17.2. Two-stage spray dryer with vibro-fluidiser

(Courtesy of GEA Niro).

Other powdered milk-based ingredients

Although WMP and SMP are key milk-based food ingredients, other powdered milk based ingredients are also important.

Fat-filled milk powders

Fat-filled milk powders (FFMP) are used to substitute WMP. Vegetable fat (due east.g. rapeseed oil) replaces milkfat, commonly at 26-28% of the powder. FFMP is used in many of the same applications as WMP and SMP. Buttermilk is also spray-dried as an ingredient for food industry, mainly in baker, confectionery and spreads.

Buttermilk pulverisation

Buttermilk pulverisation (BMP) is valued for the functional backdrop of the milk proteins and lactose and its buttery flavour, acquired by phospholipid-rich, fatty globule membrane cloth retained past the buttermilk during buttermaking.

Yoghurt pulverization

Yogurt powder is made by spray-drying depression-fat yogurt. It is used in snack foods, nutrition bars, cereals, coatings, dips, soups, sauces, and smoothies because of its season and acidity, as well as its high viscosity and good water binding backdrop. It can be used to replace starches and gums.

Foam powder

In contrast to yogurt powder, the product of cream pulverisation is more than complex. As the fat content of a powdered milk-based ingredient increases so do the technical problems faced in processing; particularly achieving a homogenous, stable fat emulsion in the dryer feed and decision-making the thermoplasticity of the powder, which increases with fat content. The fat emulsion is also required to exist stable post-obit reconstitution of the pulverization. In the industry of whole milk pulverisation, soya lecithin may be added to the milk concentrate to serve every bit an emulsifier and provide emulsion stability. The mix is homogenised using a two-stage homogenisation procedure where the force per unit area of the offset stage forms fatty globules and reduces their average size, and the second stage disperses the globules to prevent coalescence.

In the industry of cream powder, particularly high fat products of around threescore% on a dry basis, additional emulsifying agents may be needed, such as mono-and diglycerides of fatty acids, to class emulsions which are stable in processing and drying, but too on reconstitution. Such emulsifiers may also be used in the manufacture of fatty filled milk powders where vegetable fat is mixed with skimmed milk concentrate and homogenised before drying.

Java whiteners

The production of coffee whiteners, or not-dairy creamers, is a little more complex, partly because of the ingredients and additives used in the formulation, and because of the aggressive environment in which whiteners are required to perform. Coffee whiteners are based on glucose solids or maltodextrin (usually with a dextrose equivalent (DE) of 25–30%), hydrogenated vegetable fats with melting points in the range 35–forty   °C (higher melting points would give a greasy mouthfeel), sodium caseinate, emulsifiers (diglycerides (E471) and polyphosphates (E450)), flavour, colour and acidity regulators (citrates (E331/E332)). A stable emulsion is produced during homogenisation, mainly by the interaction of sodium caseinate and emulsifiers at the interface betwixt fat globule surfaces and the surrounding aqueous phase. Acerbity regulators prevent the destabilisation of the emulsion when coffee whitener is added to hot acidic coffee and the release of free fat equally oil aerosol on the coffee surface, which would be seen as a defect.

During manufacture, fatty-filled milk powders must be candy suitably to allow fat to cool and crystallise earlier packaging. The fat in concentrates fed to a spray dryer will exist liquid (a necessity if homogenisation is to be effective) at the betoken of atomisation and volition remain so until the powder cools. If the pulverization is packaged without cooling, heat energy will initially be lost, but as the fatty crystallises the temperature will ascension due to the release of latent rut of crystallisation. This tin can disrupt the emulsion and bind powder particles as a solid mass. Milk powders that comprise fat are oft spray-stale using a two-phase or multi-stage process. In a ii-phase procedure most of the h2o in the feed concentrate is removed in the main drying chamber. The powder passes from the main chamber to a series of external vibro-fluidised beds (usually 2 or three), which permit the agglomeration of the powder particles and the removal of remaining water, equally well as the cooling and crystallisation of fat. The pulverisation is and so suitable for packaging. Agglomerated milk powders can be easier to handle in food manufacture equally they take a reduced tendency to create dust and bunch enhances both cold and hot water dispersability. The common cold water dispersability of milk powders can exist improved by spraying a layer of soya lecithin over the surface of powder particles following kickoff stage drying to meliorate wetting.

Whey powders

Whey powders are used as food ingredients in many applications, from chocolate and carbohydrate confectionery, bakery, soups and sauces, baby foods, etc., with different types used in different foodstuffs. The standard whey powder production is anhydrous whey pulverisation made from sweetness whey, the by-product of cheesemaking where acidification is not excessive and pH is 6.3–6.5 (e.g. emmental and gruyere production). Sweet whey is evaporated to 60–70% solids to supersaturate lactose and wink cooled to 30   °C, at which point a-lactose crystals form. Farther cooling to 15   °C causes the mutarotation of β-lactose to a-lactose and some 75–fourscore% of the lactose crystallises. The whey concentrate can then exist spray-stale. Some of the lactose (up to 20%) remains in the baggy state, which is hygroscopic. Whey powder is packaged in, for example, polyethylene-lined Kraft paper sacks with loftier water-barrier properties to prevent moisture ingress and the development of a sticky powder.

Undemineralised whey powder can be used in a variety of food applications, although in some such every bit infant foods (and dogie milk replacers), the mineral salt content may be nutritionally challenging and careful salt regulation may be necessary. Recent years have seen increasing use of undemineralised whey powder as a substitute for NFMS in chocolate for reasons of toll reduction. Control through formulation and chocolate texture development allows undemineralised whey pulverisation use without detriment to season and mouthfeel. Effectually 10% of the dry solids in whey is made upwardly of mineral salts. In applications where the mineral content may exist problematic, demineralised whey pulverisation may be used. From 30–90% reduction in mineral content is possible using various whey processing methods. Nanofiltration, a membrane separation process, tin be used to remove up to 40% of the minerals (sodium, potassium and chloride ions) in cheese whey equally well as water. Electrodialysis, which uses ion-selective membranes to remove cations and anions, can achieve up to 90% demoralisation. This level of demineralisation can too be achieved by ion exchange processes using ion exchange resins.

Whey protein concentrates

Whey protein concentrates (WPC) are an important group of whey-based nutrient ingredients. They are used in confectionery products, cereal and diet bars, candy cheeses, broiled goods, sports beverages and muscle gain formulations. WPC powders with protein contents in the range 35–65% can be produced past ultrafiltration (UF) which removes lactose, minerals and non-protein nitrogen (NPN), leaving the whey proteins to be spray-dried. WPC powders with poly peptide contents as high every bit ninety% tin can exist made by means of diafiltration, where whey poly peptide retentate in UF processing is diluted with water to launder out almost all of the lactose and minerals.

Total milk protein products

Total milk poly peptide (TMP) powders containing casein and whey proteins are fabricated by membrane separation processes using a skimmed milk feed rather than whey. TMP powders with protein levels up to 90% on a dry basis tin can exist achieved, with casein to whey protein ratios of 6:ane. They are used equally ingredients in the aforementioned kind of applications as WPCs.

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Packaging and the Shelf Life of Milk Powder Products

Hong Jiang Wang , Dong Sun Lee , in Reference Module in Food Science, 2019


Milk powder products every bit fatty dry foods are generally sensitive to moisture-adsorption, caking and oxidative deterioration. It is desirable that products with a water activeness below 0.v and a package of oxygen concentration below ii% are kept at storage temperatures below 25   °C for quality preservation and extended shelf life. Oxygen-excluded packages are ordinarily used with barriers against ingress of h2o vapor and oxygen. A light barrier is another element for protecting confronting oxidation. Typical packages are metal cans, multilayer barrier pouches and composite cans. Additional attributes are also added onto the packaging to satisfy other needs such as convenience and advice depending on the production. Time temperature indictors showing real-time secondary shelf life are a recent development. While both nitrogen and carbon dioxide are employed for oxygen-excluded packages to prevent oxidation, carbon dioxide dissolvable in the product serves a role to control or reduce the pressure of rigid packages at proper gas mixture nether distribution environment. Innovative preservative packaging technologies such every bit tailored modified atmosphere packaging and active packaging tin exist adopted to retain milk powder quality and extend the shelf life with additional benefits and effectiveness. Fast and persistent oxygen and moisture scavenging and antioxidant packaging have also been used.

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